Category: Corporate Tax

COVID-19 Tax Update: A Detailed Review of the Recent Changes to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

Published by Ian Humphries & Alexander Demner

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On July 27, 2020, Parliament enacted Bill C-20 which made sweeping amendments to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (the “CEWS”). The…

COVID-19 Tax Update: CRA administrative relief regarding residency and cross-border issues

Published by Jenna Himelfarb

On May 19, 2020 the CRA published administrative relief (found here) for taxpayers who might otherwise be facing Canadian tax residency or cross-border issues as a result of travel restrictions imposed in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Certain potential tax…

Tax Court finds that deposits into a joint bank account do not in and of itself constitute transfers of property for third-party liability assessments

Published by Vivian Esper

In White v The Queen[1], the Tax Court allowed Mrs. White’s appeal, holding that the deposits of funds by Mr. White, a “tax debtor”, into a joint bank account held by him and Mrs. White (the “Joint Bank Account”) did…

Federal Government Tables Budget 2019: Investing in the Middle Class

Published by Tim Barrett

Minister of Finance, Bill Morneau, tabled the 2019 Budget today (“Budget Day”). This Thorsteinssons update summarizes some of the main tax takeaways.

The tax measures introduced in the Budget should not impact the vast majority of businesses. As a pre-election…