The automobile expense deduction limits and prescribed rates for the automobile operating expense benefit will remain unchanged for 2014. More details can be found at the Department of Finance Canada.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
McKesson Canada Corp v. The Queen, 2013 TCC 404 is the latest decision from the Tax Court of Canada on transfer pricing. The taxpayer was unsuccessful in its appeal. You can read the 100-page reasons for judgment here.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
In 2013-0473771E5, the CRA confirmed its view that members of a non-profit corporation without share capital are considered shareholders for the purposes of subsection 15(1) of the Income Tax Act.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
The Government of British Columbia released a new PST Bulletin on Partnerships.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
On December 13, 2013, the Canada Revenue Agency announced the prescribed interest rates for the first quarter of 2014. All interest rates have decreased by 1%, except for the rate for pertinent loans or indebtedness.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
On December 12, 2013, Bill C-4, the Economic Action Plan 2013 Act, No. 2 , received Royal Assent
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
On December 11, 2013, the CBA-CPA Canada Joint Committee on Taxation made their submissions on the government consultation paper on treaty shopping. The consultation period ended on December 13, 2013.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
The CBA-CPA Canada Joint Committee on Taxation made their submissions on the proposed measures to eliminate the graduate rate taxation of testamentary trusts and estates. The consultation period ended on December 2, 2013. The submission can be found on…
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »
A reminder: Individuals have until December 31, 2013 to apply for relief under the “Taxpayer Relief Provisions” with respect to their 2003 year.
Prepared by:
Kim Ho
Kim Ho received a B.A.(Honours) in economics from Queen’s University and a LL.B from the University of Victoria.
While at the University of Victoria, he was awarded the 2008 Stikeman Elliot/Carswell National Tax Award, the British Columbia Superior Court Judges… more »