Tax Alert Archives November 2013

The Supreme Court of Canada Releases its Decision in Highly Anticipated Rectification Case

The Supreme Court of Canada released its decision in Quebec (Agence du Revenu) v. Services Environnementaux AES inc., 2013 SCC 65 today:

Prepared by: Natasha Kisilevsky

Natasha Kisilevsky is a partner in the Vancouver office specializing in taxpayer representation and litigation matters. She is also the Director of Associate Development for Thorsteinssons. Natasha has been practicing tax law since her call to the Bar of British… more »


CRA publishes new T661(13) claim form for SR&ED expenditures

CRA publishes new T661(13) claim form for SR&ED expenditures — including new Part 9 requiring claim preparer information — and says it will accept only the T661(13) version of the form as of January 1, 2014 for all taxation years.…

Prepared by: Natasha Kisilevsky

Natasha Kisilevsky is a partner in the Vancouver office specializing in taxpayer representation and litigation matters. She is also the Director of Associate Development for Thorsteinssons. Natasha has been practicing tax law since her call to the Bar of British… more »
