Paul Gibney
Toronto Office

Paul Gibney

Paul Gibney – Featured Articles & Seminars

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin Publication: Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario 2017-2018 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Article: “Income Tax Issues – Canada” Publication: North American Relocation Law, Release no. 23 October 23, 2018, Edition by Benjamin A. Kranc

Article: “Canadian Taxation of Cryptocurrency” with Kathryn Walker Publication: Personal Tax and Estate Planning Journal, Federated Press, Volume 7, No. 1 2018

Presentation: “Income Tax Update” Senior Estates and Trusts Practitioner Forum, Langdon Hall October 14-16, 2018

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Properties” Canadian Bar Association, 2018 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE May 27-June 1, 2018

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario 2017 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Article: “Disclaimers in the Income Tax Context”  Publication:  Personal Tax and Estate Planning Journal, Federated Press, Volume 6, No. 1

Presentation: “Technical Tax Session” Senior Estates and Trusts Practitioner Forum, Langdon Hall October 15-17, 2017

Presentation: “Proposed Amendments to Section 84.1” Thorsteinssons 2017 Special Update on Taxation Conference, Delta Hotel October 10, 2017

Article: “Preserving Graduated Rate Estate Status” with Marie- Eve Gosselin Publication:  Estates, Trusts and Pensions Journal, August, 2017

Presentation: “Implications of the 2016 Budget Changes to Life Insurance Policy Transfers” 19th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference June 12-13, 2017

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Properties” Canadian Bar Association, 2017 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE June 4-9, 2017

Presentation: “Corporate Insurance Changes Arising from the 2016 Federal Budget” 26th Annual General Meeting of the Conference for Advanced Life Underwriting (CALU) May 9, 2017

Presentation: “Tax Update” The Law Society of Upper Canada, The Six-Minute Estate Lawyer 2017 May 8, 2017

Presentation: “Personal and Trust Developments” Thorsteinssons 5th Annual Conference, Delta Hotel February 23, 2017

Presentation and Paper: “Taxation of Trusts” and “Tax Planning with Trusts” Canadian Bar Association Wills, Estates and Trust Fundamentals for Estate Practitioners October 27, 2016

Presentation: “Technical Tax Session” Senior Trusts and Estate Practitioners Forum, Langdon Hall October 26-18, 2016

Presentation: “Corporate Insurance and CDA Planning” 2016 CALU Associate Member Meeting October 21, 2016

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin  Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2016 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Presentation: “Income Tax Update” 18th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference June 9-10, 2016

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Properties” Canadian Bar Association, 2016 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE June 3, 2016

Presentation and Paper: “Tax Update: Clarity or Confusion” Law Society of Upper Canada, The Six-Minute Estates Lawyer 2016 May 3, 2016

Presentation: “Personal Tax Planning Issues” Thorsteinssons 4th Annual Conference, Royal York February 3, 2016

Presentation: “Tax Planning with Trusts” Canadian Bar Association, Wills, Estates and Trust Fundamentals for Estate Practitioners  October 24, 2015

Presentation: “Income Tax Update” Senior Trusts and Estates Practitioner Conference October 18, 2015

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin  Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2015 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Properties” Canadian Bar Association, 2015 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE  May 29, 2015

Presentation: “Recent Trust Amendments” Thorsteinssons 3rd Annual Conference, Royal York February 6, 2015

Presentation: “Treaty Shopping – Where are we going?” – with Brandon Wiener Collins Barrow National Tax Conference June 2, 2014

Presentation: “Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Rules” Canadian Bar Association, 2014 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE  May 30, 2014

Presentation: “Tax Update” Canadian Bar Association Law Series for Wills, Trusts & Estates Section entitled “Across the Country in 90 Minutes” April 1, 2014

Article: “Canadian Tax Law Developments” with Marie-Eve Gosselin The Euromoney Corporate Tax Handbook 2015

Chapter: Updated Chapter 9 on “Taxation of Trusts” of Catherine Brown’s text book “Taxation and Estate Planning” by Carswells

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2013-2014 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Presentation: “Sharing of Information and T1135s” Thorsteinssons 2nd Annual Conference, Royal York January 16, 2014

Chapter:  Updated the IBFD Trust Canadian Chapter on “Taxation of Trusts” with Catherine Brown

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts” Law Society of Upper Canada – Trusts and Estates Summit November 12, 2013

Presentation: “Income Tax Update” 15th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference  June 10 & 11, 2013

Presentation: “Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Rules” Canadian Bar Association, 2013 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE  May 31, 2013

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts” course Canada Revenue Agency, Kitchener, Ontario February 20, 2013

Presentation: “Offshore Trust Structures” CIBC 2013 Wealth Advisory Services National Conference, Trump Hotel, Toronto, Ontario January 23, 2013

Presentation: “21 Year Deemed Disposition Rule” Thorsteinssons 1st Annual Conference, Royal York January 21, 2013

Presentation: “Non-Resident Trusts” course Canada Revenue Agency, Toronto December 6, 2012

Presentation: “Income Tax Update” 14th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference June 11, 2012

Presentation: “Taxation of Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Rules” Canadian Bar Association, 2012 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE  June 1, 2012

Presentation: “2012 Tax Update” OBA Trusts and Estates Subsection March 27, 2012

Article: “Canadian Tax Law Developments” with Brandon Wiener and Marie-Eve Gosselin The Euromoney Corporate Tax Handbook 2013

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with E. Rebecca Potter and Marie- Eve Gosselin: Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2012 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Presentation: “Canadian Tax Issues” RBC Wealth Management Conference, Doral Golf Resort and Spa, Miami, Florida November 24, 2011

Article: “Southern Discomfort – DEK: Bargains abound below the 49th parallel, so long as you watch your tax liabilities” with Brent Pidborochynski Canadian Capital 2011

Article: “Canadian Tax Law Developments” with Brandon D. Wiener The Euromoney Corporate Tax Handbook 2012

Article: “Taxation of Trusts and Estates” with Mark A. Barbour Publication:  Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2011 Edition by Melanie A. Yach

Presentation: Holding Companies Under Attack International Bar Association Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia Oct 4 2010

Article: Taxation of Trusts and Estates, with Mark A. Barbour Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2010 Edition by Bonnie Croll and Melanie A. Yach Sep 1 2010

Article: Statutory Developments and Jurisprudence Elements of Canadian Tax Law, with Shaun M. Doody The Euromoney Corporate Tax Handbook 2011 Sep 1 2010

Presentation: Tax Update 11th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference Jun 7 2010

Presentation: Non-Resident Trusts and Offshore Investment Fund Rules Canadian Bar Association, 2010 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE Jun 4 2010

Presentation: Canada-US Treaty – Update on New Issues Collins Barrow National Tax Conference May 31 2010

Presentation: A Billion Dollars in Needless Litigation CALU 2010 Success Through Innovation Conference May 4 2010

Article: Tax Update Euromoney Yearbooks Oct 19 2009

Article: Taxation of Trusts and Estates Key Developments in Estates and Trusts Law in Ontario, 2009 Edition by Bonnie Croll and Melanie A. Yach Sep 1 2009

Presentation: Tax Update 10th Annual Canadian National STEP Conference Jun 19 2009

Paper: Non-Resident Trusts and Foreign Investment Entities Canadian Bar Association, 2009 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE May 29 2009

Presentation: Tax Law Update for Estate Lawyers Ontario Bar Association luncheon program Mar 24 2009

Presentation: The ULC after the Fifth Protocol Praxity North America Tax & Fiscal Group Jan 15 2009

Paper: Non-Resident Trusts and Foreign Investment Entities Canadian Bar Association, 2008 Tax Law for Lawyers CLE May 30 2008

Presentation: Section 116 Compliance Issues OBA Institute, Non-Resident Tax Primer for the Generalist, Compliance Issues relating to sale of Canadian assets Feb 4 2008