Rick Wong is a partner of Thorsteinssons LLP.
Rick assists high net worth individuals with estate planning and individuals and corporations with their domestic and international tax planning. A significant portion of Rick’s clients are mining and exploration companies.
Rick also represents clients who have disputes with the Canada Revenue Agency. In his civil litigation practice Rick advises and represents clients with respect to Canada Revenue Agency audits and appeals and has appeared in tax related cases before many courts, including the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal.
Rick has extensive experience in making voluntary disclosures to Canada Revenue Agency on behalf of clients who have unreported income, unreported offshore accounts and/or unreported offshore assets.
Rick has lectured on various aspects of taxation law at conferences, meetings and courses attended by members of the Canadian Tax Foundation, the Law Society of British Columbia, the Chartered Professional Accountants (Canada) and the Canadian Bar Association-Immigration subsection (BC).
- Parts I, II and III of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants’ In-Depth Tax Course
- Bachelor of Law degree from the University of British Columbia (finished in the top of the class (including finishing in first place in second year)).
- Awards and Prizes in law school: Cyril White Memorial Scholarship, Guild, Yule & Company Scholarship, Law Foundation Scholarship, Panvini Scholarship in Law, Canada Law Book Inc. Prize, Jones McCloy Peterson Prize in Commercial Transactions, Panvini Scholarship in Law and the Walter Gregory Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Professional Activities & Memberships
- Member, Canadian Tax Foundation
- Member, the Canadian Bar Association
- Member, Law Society of British Columbia