Rosemary Anderson is a chartered accountant who has specialized in solving Goods and Services Tax, provincial sales taxes and customs issues since 1985.
Formerly the partner in charge of commodity tax for Price Waterhouse in Vancouver, Rosemary joined the firm in 2001. She was appointed National Practice Group Leader in 2008.
Rosemary is a recognized leader in Goods and Services Tax and Harmonized Sales Tax. She is a member of the GST Leaders Forum which consists of the top 25 sales tax practitioners in Canada. With this expertise, Rosemary is frequently in demand as a speaker and instructor on various GST and provincial sales tax issues. She is past chair of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (‘CICA’) Commodity Tax Committee, as well as co-chair of the Canadian Bar Association/CICA Customs Subcommittee. In these roles, she works with senior officials in the Departments of Finance and the Canada Revenue Agency (‘CRA’) to address technical concerns regarding Goods and Services Tax, Harmonized Sales Tax, Excise Taxes and Customs issues.
In 1994, Rosemary chaired the CICA Commodity Tax Symposium, the largest conference on commodity taxes in Canada. Over the years, she has presented numerous technical papers, both at the Symposium and at a wide variety of other forums that include the Canadian Tax Foundation Annual Conference and the Canadian Tax Foundation’s B.C. Conference. She is a former contributing editor to Sales and Use Tax Journal, a quarterly publication on commodity tax issues for practitioners. In 1995 and 1997, Rosemary was a tutorial instructor at the CICA GST In-Depth Course, designed to train professionals to become GST specialists.
Rosemary is the immediate past chair of a provincial sales tax liaison committee that works with senior officials of the Consumer Taxation Branch and the Ministry of Finance to address technical and practical issues relating to British Columbia’s consumption tax. She has a continuing role with the Institute of Chartered Accountants Taxation Committee, representing the views of chartered accountants at provincial government task force and other meetings on consumption tax issues.
Rosemary received her Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia in 1979 and joined Price Waterhouse. She received her Chartered Accountant designation in 1981. Rosemary became a partner in Price Waterhouse in 1991 and withdrew from their partnership in 1995 to found her own firm. Rosemary joined Thorsteinssons in 2001.